new zealand postcard society inc.

Photographer Argent Archer


Postcard list

– Last Updated 10 November 2017
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Compiled by Bruce Chadderton, Chas Lily & Harry Palmer

Argent Archer – ‘KIA ORA, Greetings from Maoriland’ Postcard list

 Assigned Card No.



 Images (6)






 Group picture, 23 in total, with Maggie Papakura seated centre right in her red scarf

 Miles of London



 Two lines of men and one of women (the latter seated)

 Miles of London

 Archer 3


 A line of 6 men, standing behind 6 men kneeling, with a taiaha wielding leader at right (13 total)

 Miles of London

 Archer 1


 Two lines of 6 men, one standing – facing left, one kneeling – facing right, leader has taiaha over his shoulder (13 total)

 Miles of London



 One woman lying down on a kiwi-feather korowai

 Miles of London



 2 women in kiwi-feather korowai, standingMiles of London

 Miles of London



 3 women wrapped in kiwi-feather korowai, central one seated

 Miles of London



 4 women standing in a line

 Miles of London



 Two lines of women (3 seated, 4 standing)

 Miles of London

 Archer 2


 Mrs Hiini & her baby (born in England)

 Miles of London

 Archer cards

Archer cards .2jpg

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