Several New Zealand Postcard Society members passionate about their postcard collections dedicate time and effort into postcard exhibit competitions in New Zealand and overseas.
Over the years various members have received awards and commendations for their postcard exhibitions. Click here to see a list of past awards and their recipients.
Some exhibition examples are shown below.
Exhibitor: Jeff Long
Exhibitor: Jenny Long
A topographical three frame exhibit on the area covering the road and tramway to Sumner, the seaside suburb of Christchurch. This is not just an accumulation of postcards of this area but is tied together by following the actual transport links as you get closer to Sumner, and also through time. This exhibit received a special prize for the best postcard exhibit at the 2012 CPS Stamp & Postcard Exhibition.
An example of what one frame of a postcard exhibit looks like. It is made up of 4 rows with 4 pages of postcards and information in each row.
For further reading on postcard exhibiting you could refer to previous Postcard Pillar articles written on the subject.