new zealand postcard society inc.

publisher - Aristophot

Aristophot Flag postcards

– Last updated 10 October 2017
Compiled by Laurence Eagle

Aristophot Flag Postcard list



 Title / Text

 Comments / Description







 King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra




 King Edward VII




 Queen Alexandra




 Prince of Wales – later King George V




 Princess of wales – later Queen Mary




 King Edward VII, Queen Alexandra, Prince & Princess of Wales




 Prince & Princess of Wales




 Rt. Hon Richard Seddon – Premier of New Zealand




 Wanganui River, New Zealand




 Mitre Peak, Milford Sound showing “Waikare”




 Maori Women




 Maggie, Maori Guide and Teko Teko




 Maggie, who guided the Duke of York




 Cathedral Peaks, Lake Manawapourie








 Sport in New Zealand (Shooting)




 Boiling Petroleum Pool, Rotorua




 Aratiatia Rapids, Waikato River




 Maori Chief




 Patea River




 Wharepuni at Awahon Pah




 Warner’s Hotel, Christchurch




 Panton, Inangahua River




 Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown




 Northern Club, Auckland




 Maori Waitress, Rotorua








 Lake Manawapouri




 Boy’s College, Wellington




 Cave Rock, Sumner, Christchurch




 Boiling Water, Lake Rotomahana




 Museum from Hagley Park




 Hospital, Christchurch




A favoured card of mine by Laurence Eagle

Aristophot Flag Cards have been a special interest of mine for some years and during that time I have accumulated many of this series. All cards have the background flag of the country and a vignette showing a scene from that country. Issued about 1906, this series concentrates on British Empire locations with sets of approximately fifteen cards in each grouping. Each grouping starts with King Edward VII, Queen Alexandria, Prince and Princess of Wales and includes: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Canada, India, Australian States – New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, South African States – Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Transvaal and two groupings of New Zealand. The card illustrated below is from the second grouping, i.e  No.218.